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  • Expert Group on Kidney Clinical Quality Control Center in Shanghai
    Abstract (19775) PDF (15354) RichHTML (3333)

    慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)已成为全球性的公共卫生问题。“肾脏病预后质量倡议(Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative,KDOQI)”和“改善全球肾脏病预后组织(Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes,KDIGO)”工作组先后制定了CKD 临床实践指南。为提高我国CKD防治水平,在参考国外指南基础上,结合中国特点,我们组织上海市肾脏病专家制定了《CKD筛查 诊断及防治指南》,并于2017年发表。该指南对各级全科医师和肾脏病专科医师均有参考价值,有力推动了对CKD的认识和提高了对CKD的管理水平。近年来CKD 研究又取得了很多重大进展,基于临床证据的积累及各种新药的问世,上海市肾内科临床质量控制中心专家组对2017年版《CKD筛查 诊断及防治指南》进行了更新和修订,内容主要包括CKD筛查的对象和方式、进展的评估及防治等方面。

  • Chinese Society of Nephrology
    Abstract (5603) PDF (3076) RichHTML (3351)
  • Expert Consensus Working Group
    Abstract (2862) PDF (1405) RichHTML (1575)
  • Chinese Society of Nephrology
    Abstract (2633) PDF (1908) RichHTML (197)

    连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)是一项持续的血液净化技术,血液经过体外循环时可导致血小板活化并激活内源性、外源性凝血途径导致体外循环凝血发生,不仅导致CRRT治疗中断、治疗效率下降、血细胞消耗,而且导致血管通路并发症增加、医疗费用增加及医源性感染的风险增加。因此,安全有效的抗凝策略在CRRT过程中显得尤为关键。故而,中华医学会肾脏病学分会成立了CRRT抗凝管理指南工作组。指南工作组通过对此领域文献的系统全面检索、数据分析及专业讨论,从CRRT抗凝评估与监测、局部枸橼酸抗凝CRRT、系统性抗凝CRRT及无抗凝剂CRRT 4个方面构建了CRRT的抗凝管理指南。该指南基于CRRT抗凝的循证医学证据及临床经验,有利于规范CRRT抗凝技术,减少CRRT患者的抗凝相关并发症,延长体外循环寿命。

  • Chinese Society of Nephrology, Zhongguancun Nephrology & Blood Purification Innovation Alliance
    Abstract (2233) PDF (3663) RichHTML (154)

    心力衰竭(heart failure)是透析(dialysis)患者的第二大心血管疾病。透析患者一旦合并心力衰竭,生存率显著下降。尽管国内外已颁布了多部普通人群心力衰竭相关的临床指南或专家共识,但由于透析患者肾功能极差甚至没有残余肾功能、慢性并发症多,加上血液透析(hemodialysis,HD)和腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)治疗本身的特殊性、可变性及局限性,使透析患者与普通人群在心力衰竭诊断、治疗及管理等方面均存在很大的不同。故而现有国内外指南和共识并不完全适用于透析人群,迫切需要透析患者心力衰竭管理的指导性文件,以指导、规范心力衰竭的诊疗。鉴于此,中华医学会肾脏病学分会和中关村肾病血液净化创新联盟组织专家组制定了这部《中国透析患者慢性心力衰竭管理指南》。该指南基于循证医学证据及临床经验,就心力衰竭诊断、危险因素管理、HD管理、PD管理、药物管理及其他管理等问题做了系统的介绍,反映了当今透析患者心力衰竭诊疗的新观点及未来发展趋势,有利于进一步加强临床医生对透析患者心力衰竭的认识、规范透析患者心力衰竭的临床管理流程,对改善透析患者预后具有重要价值。

  • Expert group of antimicrobial dosing optimization during continuous renal replacement therapy, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Hospital Pharmacy Professional Committee, Infectious Diseases Society of China
    Abstract (2162) PDF (924) RichHTML (2184)

    Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is an important treatment for critically ill patients. Critically ill patients often need to receive antimicrobials and CRRT treatments at the same time. CRRT affects the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antimicrobials, and there is a lack of recommendations and suggestions for the antimicrobial dosing during CRRT. The clinical medicine, pharmacy, intensive care and infectious diseases specialists in China set up an expert group on antimicrobial dosing optimization during CRRT, conducted evidence search around CRRT factors, drug characteristics, patient factors and antimicrobial dosing optimization during CRRT, and fully discussed and formulated the consensus, to provide guiding advices on the rational use of antimicrobials during CRRT.

  • Committee of Chinese expert consensus on the use of finerenone in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
    Abstract (2120) PDF (865) RichHTML (2118)

    Diabetes is a major risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Finerenone, a novel nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, has been confirmed to have a definite renal and cardiovascular protective effect on diabetes mellitus with CKD. Long-term use can significantly reduce the urinary albumin to creatinine ratio in patients with diabetes mellitus and has little effect on blood potassium. In order to make the clinical application of finerenone more reasonable and standardized, based on research evidence and clinical practice experience, the expert group formed the Chinese expert consensus on the use of finerenone in patients with diabetes mellitus and CKD after many discussions. The mechanism of action and pharmacological properties of finerenone, evidence-based medical evidence, suitable population, specific usage and precautions were described, and 27 recommendations were formed to provide reference for clinical use of finerenone and benefit patients.

  • Project group of "White paper on the status of peritoneal dialysis management in China"
    Abstract (1660) PDF (1178) RichHTML (311)

    In recent years, the incidence rate of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in China has increased year by year. About 2% of patients enter ESKD every year. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been widely used in ESKD patients all over the world, especially in developing countries, because of its simple, safe, effective and home based treatment. Since continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis was introduced to China in 1978, Chinese nephrology professionals have made remarkable achievements in PD management after decades of joint efforts. However, they still face many challenges. In order to investigate the status of quality indicators of PD centers, the construction of centers, PD prescriptions and adjustments, diagnosis and treatment of complications, adequacy assessment, long-term follow-up status of patients, disease burden and risk perception of chronic kidney disease in China, the project group of the white paper carried out three rounds of questionnaires nationwide, objectively and comprehensively analyzed the survey results, and organized experts to prepare the white paper. The white paper clearly reviewed the current situation of PD construction and management in China, and also found some problems that need to be solved. It still needs to further standardize the staffing of PD centers, strengthen the training of PD professionals, expand the full-time medical staff, pay attention to quality management, reduce the incidence of PD related complications, and improve the long-term survival rate and quality of life of PD patients.

  • Consensus Expert Group on Anemia in Diabetic Kidney Disease, Chinese Association of Pathophysiology, Society of Nephrology, Lin Sun, Junwei Yang
    Abstract (1648) PDF (1498) RichHTML (1113)
  • Expert group on the treatment of rapidly progressive autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with tolvaptan
    Abstract (1532) PDF (994) RichHTML (154)

    托伐普坦(tolvaptan)已被多个国家批准用于常染色体显性多囊肾病(autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,ADPKD)的治疗,并实现了国产化。为帮助国内肾科医师有效、安全地使用托伐普坦治疗ADPKD患者,专家组依托已有文献结合国内ADPKD患者诊疗现状编写了本部共识,以供临床医师实践参考。共识首先描述ADPKD及快速进展型ADPKD的诊断方法与标准,概述ADPKD一般治疗与对症治疗,进而详细阐述了托伐普坦治疗ADPKD的适应证与禁忌证、个体化治疗前评估与剂量滴定办法、药物不良反应及处置办法、联合用药注意事项及终止治疗时机,总结了规范化应用托伐普坦治疗ADPKD的全流程。该共识的制定将有助于提高肾科医师应用托伐普坦治疗ADPKD的规范化和有效性,有助于提高患者治疗的依从性和安全性。

  • Chinese Society of Nephrology
    Abstract (1357) PDF (1372) RichHTML (96)

    糖尿病肾脏疾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是糖尿病的常见慢性并发症,也是慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)和终末期肾病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)的重要原因。明晰DKD的诊断、鉴别诊断以及对疾病进展风险的评估有助于对患者的分层管理和个体化治疗。白蛋白尿和估算肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate,eGFR)是DKD的主要诊断依据,而新型生物标志物在辅助DKD诊断和预后评估方面亦显现出重要价值。目前,临床实践中关于DKD诊断、预后评估及生物标志物的认识尚存在不足。为此,基于国内外DKD临床研究进展,中华医学会肾脏病学分会组织有关专家制定了这部共识,目的是加强相关从业人员、尤其是基层医务人员在临床实践中对DKD诊断、预后评估和生物标志物的认识,改善DKD的防治水平。

  • Tian Na, Chow Kai-ming, Yu Xueqing, Li Philip Kam-tao
    Abstract (1319) PDF (929) RichHTML (75)

    腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)相关性腹膜炎(PD-associated peritonitis,PDAP)是PD的严重并发症,防治PDAP对降低患者的发病率和病死率至关重要。近期发布的2022版国际腹膜透析协会(International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis,ISPD)有关PDAP防治指南中,对于难治性腹膜炎(refractory peritonitis)、再发性腹膜炎(recurrent peritonitis)、复发性腹膜炎(relapsing peritonitis)、重现性腹膜炎(repeat peritonitis)、腹膜炎相关导管拔除(peritonitis-associated catheter removal)、腹膜炎相关转血液透析(peritonitis-associated haemodialysis transfer)、腹膜炎相关死亡(peritonitis-associated death)、腹膜炎相关住院(peritonitis-associated hospitalisation)等概念均赋以明确定义,提出了一些新的腹膜炎类型和预后概念,如PD前腹膜炎(pre-PD peritonitis)、肠源性腹膜炎(enteric peritonitis)、导管相关性腹膜炎(catheter-related peritonitis)及腹膜炎的临床治愈(medical cure)。新指南建议PDAP的总体发生风险应低于0.4例次/患者年,每年无腹膜炎患者占比应高于80%。对于PD系统污染的处理、侵入性操作的抗生素预防、PD培训与再评估以及腹膜炎可预防的风险因素如豢养宠物、H2受体拮抗剂等热点问题均在新指南中给予了阐释。经验性抗生素的选择和剂量,及针对特殊病原菌口服N-乙酰半胱氨酸辅助减轻氨基糖苷类耳毒性的新方法也在新指南中进行了介绍。最后,指南对未来腹膜炎防治的研究方向给出了建议。

  • Expert group of Chinese expert consensus on the clinical application of sodium-glucose transporter 2inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease (2023 edition)
    Abstract (1201) PDF (734) RichHTML (1148)

    Sodium-glucose transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are a novel type of oral hypoglycemic agent. Clinical trials have found that these drugs not only help control diabetes but also provide additional benefits for heart and kidney outcome. They have shown cardiorenal protection in patients with type 2 diabetes and can improve outcomes in non-diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and the overall safety performance is good. Therefore, SGLT2 inhibitors have become important drugs for cardiorenal protection in CKD patients. The consensus expert group undertook an extensive process to develop this consensus on the use of SGLT2 inhibitor drugs in managing CKD. They engaged multidisciplinary experts from nephrology, endocrinology, and cardiology to ensure a comprehensive and standardized approach. The expert group utilized existing evidence-based evidence and the expertise of the participating clinicians to formulate this consensus through consultation, voting and discussion. The consensus includes the recommended population for SGLT2 inhibitors use, the risk assessment of adverse reactions before use, the recommendation of combination administration, and the monitoring and management of adverse reactions during use. This collaborative effort aims to provide physicians with a reliable and practical framework for the rational use of SGLT2 inhibitor drugs in clinical practice.

  • Expert group on biological agents for treatment of immune glomerular diseases
    Abstract (1084) PDF (1446) RichHTML (69)


  • Zhou Yu, Gong Wei, Zhang Aihua
    Abstract (852) PDF (370) RichHTML (84)

    急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是化疗药物顺铂的常见不良反应。顺铂诱导的AKI的发病机制复杂,与细胞摄取和外排、氧化应激、细胞死亡以及免疫与炎性反应有关。经历了数十年的研究,目前仍然没有理想的缓解顺铂相关AKI的治疗方案,主要原因是顺铂诱导的AKI的发病机制仍不明确。本文综述了近年来顺铂诱导的AKI的病理生理机制及其药理学和遗传学改变的相关文献,以期为顺铂相关AKI的治疗提供新思路。

  • Xie Jingyuan, Ouyang Yan, Chen Jing, Ding Feng, Gu Leyi, Zhu Lifeng, Feng Donglei, Song Yanyan, Yu Zhangsheng, Ren Hong, Chen Nan
    Abstract (798) PDF (1055) RichHTML (87)

    Objective To establish a IgA nephropathy (IgAN) standard dataset for the structured and standardization of IgAN clinical information, which will be beneficial to the integration and utilization of clinical information among different medical institutions. Therefore, the IgAN Expert Collaboration Group composed the "IgA Nephropathy Standard Dataset". Methods Referring to the domestic information standards, guidelines, data standard and consensus of related fields, based on electronic medical history, the patient identification number was used as the primary key of the system to collect information. By standardizing each data element in the data set, the standardization of the management system in data and information exchange, data collaboration and sharing was ensured, and a quality control system was developed. Results This standard dataset included 607 data elements and 8 business domains, which were patient information, medical history information, physical examination, laboratory examination, assistant examination, renal pathology, drug treatment, and follow-up, respectively. Each module was composed of module name, data element name, English name, definition, range, reference standard, etc. At the same time, a corresponding quality control system was formulated to evaluate data quality from multiple dimensions such as completeness, standardization, accuracy, timeliness, and security for ensuring the high quality and security of the data. Conclusion The IgAN standard dataset is established, which will contribute to the structuration and standardization of clinical information of IgAN patients.

  • Gao Hongyu, Chen Yuting, Dai Yue, Zhang Cuntai, Yan Qi
    Abstract (785) PDF (295) RichHTML (94)

    肾脏是一个具有高度代谢活性的器官。肾小管上皮细胞(tubular epithelial cell,TEC)是肾脏进行能量代谢的核心场所,其主要依赖脂质代谢为生理性水和溶质的重吸收提供能量。近来研究显示,TEC的脂质代谢重编程是肾间质纤维化的重要病理表型。肾间质纤维化过程中往往伴随有TEC的异位脂质蓄积、脂肪酸转运紊乱及氧化功能缺陷等脂质代谢途径障碍,上述脂质代谢重编程可参与加重肾间质纤维化;越来越多的研究表明,重塑TEC脂质代谢平衡,恢复TEC正常脂质代谢功能可能是潜在的肾间质纤维化治疗靶点。本文通过概述生理和纤维化状态下TEC的脂质代谢特征,阐明TEC脂质代谢参与调控肾间质纤维化的最新分子机制,总结目前逆转TEC脂质代谢紊乱的干预手段,为今后临床从TEC脂质代谢角度防治肾间质纤维化提供新的思路及策略。

  • Expert group on management of hypertriglyceridemia in chronic kidney disease
    Abstract (776) PDF (870) RichHTML (107)

    高甘油三酯血症(hypertriglyceridemia,HTG,亦称高三酰甘油血症)是慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者最常见的异常脂代谢类型,可加速CKD进展,且与心血管疾病的剩留风险密切相关,但肾科医师对于如何管理CKD合并HTG缺乏共识,存在未满足的临床需求。鉴于此,专家组参考国内外最新文献,根据中国临床诊疗特点,围绕HTG病理生理,HTG对CKD合并心血管疾病的影响,HTG诊断、治疗以及特殊人群管理等内容制定了此共识。本共识是我国首个指导CKD患者HTG管理的专家共识,旨在引起广大肾科医师重视,为我国CKD患者HTG的规范化诊治提供指导性建议。

  • Lei Yang, Guoqin Wang, Xiaoyi Xu, Yanyan Wang, Lijun Sun, Hongrui Dong, Hong Cheng
    Abstract (716) PDF (410) RichHTML (401)
  • Zhang Zongwei, Ding Guohua
    Abstract (701) PDF (1284) RichHTML (77)


  • Expert group of Chinese Society of Nephrology
    Abstract (701) PDF (507) RichHTML (709)

    Recent studies have revealed that fluid overload is an independent risk factor for increasing renal function impairment, decreasing renal recovery rate and increasing mortality in severe patients with acute kidney injury (AKI), acute respiratory distress syndrome,or sepsis. The damage of fluid overload on renal function may be related to renal venous hypertension and renal interstitial edema, and eventually lead to the decrease of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. However, fluid clearance with diuretics or continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) may increase the risk of hypovolemia, hemodynamic instability, and tissue and organ hypoperfusion. Therefore, accurate fluid volume status assessment and management in AKI patients during CRRT is critical. The expert group of Chinese Society of Nephrology formulated this expert consensus on fluid volume assessment and management in CRRT based on evidence-based medical evidence and clinical experience. Through systematic and comprehensive literature search, data analysis and professional discussion in this field, the expert group constructed five special topics on fluid volume management in CRRT: the pathophysiological basis and harm of fluid volume imbalance in AKI patients, the management strategies on fluid volume in AKI patients, the assessment on fluid volume status and reactivity in AKI patients, the grading and application of fluid volume management in CRRT, and the management target and prescription on fluid volume in CRRT. This consensus aims to standardize clinical operations, reduce the incidence of fluid volume imbalances in AKI patients, and improve the patients' prognosis.

  • Wang Liuxi, Dong Dan, Xu Ying, Zhang Li, Xu Hongzhao, Liu Nian, Yuan Hang
    Abstract (655) PDF (301) RichHTML (628)

    It was a retrospective cohort study. Patients diagnosed with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN) and received rituximab (RTX) alone for one course of treatment during hospitalization in the Department of Nephrology of the First Hospital of Jilin University from March 2020 to March 2022 were enrolled. The patients were divided into 1 g standard treatment group (once 1 g every 2 weeks for twice) and 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group (375 mg/m2 once a week for 4 weeks) according to the different methods of drug administration, and the efficacy and safety of different doses of RTX in the treatment of IMN were compared between the two groups to provide a reference for optimizing the clinical treatment protocol. The patients were followed up regularly for more than 9 months after treatment and the data were complete. A total of 69 patients were included with age of (51.7±11.8) years old, and 46 males (66.7%). There were 31 patients in the 1 g standard treatment group and 38 patients in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group. The proportion of first-treatment patients in the 1 g standard treatment group was higher than that in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group (87.1% vs. 65.8%, χ 2=4.174, P=0.041). There were no statistically significant differences in the general data, clinical characteristics and baseline laboratory parameters between the two groups (all P>0.05). At the end of 3 months of treatment, 22 patients (31.9%) experienced remission, including 9 patients (29.0%) in the 1 g standard treatment group and 13 patients (34.2%) in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group (χ 2=0.211, P=0.646). At 6 months, 30 patients (43.5%) experienced remission, including 12 patients (38.7%) in the 1 g standard treatment group and 18 patients (47.4%) in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group (χ 2=0.521, P=0.470). At 9 months, 38 patients (55.1%) achieved remission, including 18 patients (58.1%) in the 1 g standard treatment group and 20 patients (52.6%) in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group (χ 2=0.204, P=0.652). At 9 months, the 24 h urine protein of 1 g standard treatment group and 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group decreased by 7.93 (6.24, 8.46) g and 7.45 (5.66, 8.67) g (both P<0.05), respectively, and serum albumin increased by 16.4 (15.5, 17.5) g/L and 15.5 (9.0, 15.8) g/L (both P<0.05), respectively, from the baseline value. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis result showed that there was no significant difference in the time of phospholipase A2 receptor titer decreasing to <5 RU/ml between the two groups (Log-rank χ 2=3.653, P=0.056). Twenty-three non-serious adverse events occurred in the 1 g standard treatment group, involving 16 patients, and 10 non-serious adverse events occurred in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group, involving 10 patients. There was better safety in the 375 mg/m2 experimental treatment group than that in the 1 g standard treatment group (Fisher value=8.593, P=0.015). Both 375 mg/m2 regimen and 1 g regimen of RTX in IMN patients are effective in relieving proteinuria and elevating serum albumin. The 375 mg/m2 regimen of RTX has a lower incidence of adverse events compared with the 1 g regimen.

  • Experts group on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with chronic kidney disease, Changlin Mei, Wenhong Zhang
    Abstract (644) PDF (532) RichHTML (414)
  • Zhang Yangyang, Huang Jiayuan, Jiang Shan, Kang Wanying, Zhao Wenjing, Zheng Zhihua
    Abstract (636) PDF (306) RichHTML (660)

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious health problem worldwide, whereas there is still no efficient cure. The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in maintaining human health and disease resistance, and multiple studies have confirmed that the gut microbiota is closely related to the occurrence and development of CKD. Starting from the "gut-kidney axis" theory, this article provides a systematic review of the changes in gut microbiota composition and function in patients with CKD, such as a decrease in the abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria Roseburia and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Besides that, the article explores the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota affects CKD progression, such as inflammation and immunity, and also describes the application methods of using the gut microbiota as a therapeutic target for CKD, such as fecal microbiota transplantation, microecologics, and dietary therapy, in order to provide microbial- based targets for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of CKD.

  • Expert Committee of Nephrology & Dialysis Branch of China Non-Government Medical Institutions Association
    Abstract (603) PDF (434) RichHTML (575)

    Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are commonly used drugs in the treatment of renal anemia. There are currently two types of ESAs available to clinicians, including short-acting ESAs and long-acting ESAs. Short-acting ESAs have been used for decades in China, which are being widely accepted nowadays. Several professional societies have published consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of short-acting ESAs worldwide in recent years. The advantages of long-acting ESAs include long half-life, low infusion frequency, good patient compliance, etc. There is still a lack of guidance on the clinical use of long-acting ESAs although important progress of long-acting ESAs has been made in clinical trials in recent years. Thus, the Society of Nephrology & Dialysis of China Non-Government Medical Institutions Association organized relevant experts to jointly formulate the "Chinese Expert Consensus on Long-acting ESAs in the Treatment of Renal Anemia". This consensus mainly introduces the classification, mechanism of action and pharmacological characteristics of long-acting ESAs, their indications, timing, administration protocols, application in special populations, adverse reactions and management in renal anemia. It is the hope of this concensus will guide the clinical use of long-acting ESAs in the treatment of renal anemia.

  • Wang Qian, Guo Jing, Li Bing, Dong Ling, Zhao Xiangya, Yang Yi, Yang Shengnan, Li Shuying, Tian Rui
    Abstract (583) PDF (226) RichHTML (426)

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and risk factors of sarcopenia in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3-4. Methods It was a single-center, retrospective observational study. CKD stage 3-4 patients aged ≥60 years old from March 2019 to March 2022 in the Geriatrics Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University were enrolled in the study. General data of the patients were collected, and laboratory indicators, muscle strength, physical function and appendicular muscle mass index (ASMI) were measured. According to the diagnostic criteria of sarcopenia, the patients were divided into no sarcopenia CKD group and sarcopenia CKD group. Baseline data between these two groups were compared. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the related factors of sarcopenia in elderly CKD stage 3-4 patients. Results A total of 162 CKD stage 3-4 patients were enrolled in this study, with 89 males (54.9%) and a median age of 75 (69, 82) years. Sarcopenia was diagnosed in 40 cases, and the prevalence was 24.7% (95% CI 18.1%-31.3%). Compared with no sarcopenia CKD group, age, proportion of dementia, cystatin C, urea nitrogen, C-reactive protein (CRP) and ratio of urine protein to creatinine were higher (all P<0.05), while body mass index (BMI), hemoglobin, carbon dioxide combining power, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum albumin and the proportion of regular exercise and using α-ketones were lower in sarcopenia CKD group (all P<0.05). Meanwhile, grip strength, walking speed, short physical performance battery score and ASMI were lower in sarcopenia CKD group (all P<0.05). Multivariable logistic regression analysis results showed that low eGFR (OR=0.824, 95% CI 0.687-0.987, P=0.036), low BMI (OR=0.463, 95% CI 0.304-0.704, P<0.001), low serum albumin (OR=0.459, 95% CI 0.263-0.802, P=0.006) and high CRP (OR=2.754, 95% CI 1.708-4.439, P<0.001) were the independent related factors of sarcopenia in elderly CKD patients. Conclusions The prevalence of sarcopenia in elderly CKD stage 3-4 patients is high. Low eGFR, low BMI, low serum albumin and high CRP are the independent risk factors for sarcopenia in elderly CKD stage 3-4 patients.

  • Yang Wenzhuo, Wang Xin, Chen Wei, Li Zhijian
    Abstract (575) PDF (324) RichHTML (633)

    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that causes damage to multiple vital tissues and target organs, and lupus nephritis (LN) is a serious complication of SLE involving the kidneys. The use of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants has been dominant in the treatment strategy of LN, while their adverse effects have also raised concerns. In recent years, the development and use of biologics have provided new ideas for the treatment of LN and have also achieved positive efficacy in several clinical trials in SLE and LN. Biologics can be divided into monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins, which exert therapeutic effects on SLE and LN through a variety of mechanisms at the cellular-molecular level. In this article, we review recent research advances in the treatment of SLE and LN from the perspective of the different mechanisms of action of biologics.

  • Dongming Wu, Yimamuyushan Aikeda, Yu Jiang, Yuying Ouyang, Bin Li, Jianbo Li, Jianwen Yu, Xunhua Zheng, Fengxian Huang, Wei Chen, Qinghua Liu
    Abstract (573) PDF (344) RichHTML (291)
  • Luo Yawei, Feng Sheng, Shen Huaying, Zeng Ying, Song Kai
    Abstract (566) PDF (565) RichHTML (36)

    Objective To investigate the association between C-reactive protein (CRP)/albumin (ALB) ratio (CAR) and mortality in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Methods Clinical data of 791 PD patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2019 were retrospectively collected. According to the baseline quartiles of CAR, patients were divided into three groups: low-level CAR group (CAR≤0.161 mg/g, n=264), medium-level CAR group (CAR 0.162-0.214 mg/g, n=263) and high-level CAR group (CAR≥0.215 mg/g, n=264). The clinical data among the three groups were compared. Follow-up was ended on March 31, 2020, or when the patients stopped PD due to death, shift to hemodialysis, renal transplantation or recovery of renal function. Kaplan-Meier survival curve, multivariate Cox proportional hazard model and Fine-Gray competing risk model were used to assess the relationship between CAR and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality. The association between CAR, CRP, ALB, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), or platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and mortality in PD patients was compared by receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) analysis. Results The age of the patients was (59.8±15.7) years old, and 447(56.5%) patients were males. 714(90.3%) patients had hypertension. 233(29.5%) patients had diabetes. 182(23.0%) patients had cardiovascular diseases. The median follow-up time was 55(31, 88) months. By the end of the follow-up, 236 deaths (29.8%) happened, and 95 patients (12.0%) died from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis results showed that the overall survival rate of the high-level CAR group was lower than those of the low-level CAR group and medium-level CAR group (Log-rank test χ2=109.50, P<0.001). Multivariate Cox regression analysis and Fine-Gray competing risk model revealed that CAR was independently correlated with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality after adjusting for confounding factors (HR=2.891, 95%CI 1.921-4.351, P<0.001; SHR=1.297, 95%CI 1.128-1.490, P<0.001). ROC curve analysis results showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of CAR for predicting the risk of all-cause mortality in PD patients was 0.737(95%CI 0.700-0.774), which was superior to those of CRP (AUC=0.643, 95%CI 0.599-0.687), NLR(AUC=0.608, 95%CI 0.563-0.653) and PLR (AUC=0.554, 95%CI 0.508-0.601), and slightly lower than ALB (AUC=0.752, 95%CI 0.716-0.788). The optimal cutoff value of CAR for death was 0.19 mg/g, with the sensitivity and specificity of 70.8% and 68.3%, respectively. Conclusions Increasing CAR level is an independent risk factor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality in PD patients, and its correlation with mortality is higher than those of inflammatory parameters such as CRP, NLR and PLR.

  • Lian Qinglou, Liu Yamin, Li Yubao, Wang Yufei, Zhang Beihao, Wang Xinfang, Zhao Peixiang, Wang Ruimin, Liang Xianhui, Wang Pei
    Abstract (561) PDF (128) RichHTML (571)

    Objective To study the incidence and risk factors of central vein stenosis (CVS) in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients who received arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation for the first time, as well as effects of CVS on patency of ipsilateral AVF. Methods It was a retrospective study. The CKD patients who received AVF creation for the first time in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2019 to August 2020, with central vein digital subtraction angiography (DSA) results prior to angioplasty were selected as the study subjects. The differences of incidence of CVS in CKD patients with/without a history of cervical catheterization and primary patency rates of AVF between CVS and non-CVS groups were compared. Logistic regression analysis method was applied to analyze the influencing factors of CVS in CKD patients. Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the primary patency rate of AVF. Cox regression analysis method was used to analyze the effect of CVS on the primary patency of ipsilateral AVF. Results A total of 283 CKD patients aged (50.45±14.76) years were enrolled in the study, including 165 males (58.3%). The dialysis age was 0.5 (0, 7.0) months. There were 55 patients (19.4%) diagnosed with CVS before AVF, including 39 patients with stenosis <50% and 16 patients with stenosis ≥50%. The incidence of CVS in patients with history of right internal jugular vein central venous catheter insertion was significantly higher than that in those without this history [60.5% (26/43) vs. 9.9% (15/151), χ2=51.274, P<0.001]. Multivariate logistic regression analysis results showed that hemodialysis catheters indwelling time ≥3 months elevated the risk of CVS (OR=4.345, 95% CI 1.540-12.263, P=0.006). A subset of 268 patients who had AVF creation ipsilateral to CVS were analyzed to determine the effects of CVS on patency of AVF. The median follow-up time was 34 months. The primary patency rate of AVF in the moderate to severe CVS group was significantly lower than that in the non-CVS group (5/7 vs. 58/228, χ2=7.720, P=0.005). The primary patency rates of AVF in the subclavian vein stenosis group and superior vena cava stenosis group were significantly lower than those in the brachiocephalic vein stenosis group (4/5 vs. 8/27, χ2 =6.974, P=0.008; 6/8 vs. 8/27, χ2 =6.908, P=0.009, respectively). Moderate to severe CVS and combined diabetes were independent influencing factors of primary patency of AVF (HR=4.362, 95% CI 1.644-11.574, P=0.003; HR=2.682, 95% CI 1.624-4.431, P<0.001, respectively). Conclusions The incidence of CVS is higher in CKD patients who establish an arteriovenous fistula for the first time. Hemodialysis catheter indwelling time ≥3 months is an independent risk factor of CVS. The moderate to severe CVS is an independent risk factor of primary patency of AVF.

  • Zhenfeng Zheng, Xi Cheng, Yan Qi, Wenya Shang, Li Wei, Dong Li, Junya Jia, Tiekun Yan
    Abstract (558) PDF (264) RichHTML (337)
  • Liu Yuqiu, Xie Xiaotong, Zhang Xiaoliang
    Abstract (550) PDF (899) RichHTML (24)


  • Yang Canlin, Zhang Xiaoliang
    Abstract (521) PDF (234) RichHTML (27)

    血管钙化(vascular calcification)是慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者常见的并发症,与不良临床事件和心血管全因死亡密切相关。钙化防御(calciphylaxis),又称钙性尿毒症性小动脉病(calcific uremic arteriolopathy,CUA),是死亡率极高的一类特殊的血管钙化性疾病,以系统性小动脉钙化引发剧烈疼痛伴皮肤损害为主要特征,好发于CKD患者。钙磷等矿物质代谢紊乱已被证明可促进血管钙化的发生发展。目前,CKD血管钙化和钙化防御的治疗仍缺乏针对性药物。肌醇六磷酸六钠盐(SNF472)是一种新型血管钙化抑制剂,现有研究证实,它可以直接抑制钙磷晶体的形成,阻断异位钙的生成和沉积,发挥治疗血管钙化的作用。SNF472在近期临床试验中表现出良好的疗效和安全性。本文综述了SNF472的作用机制和到2022年10月为止与疗效和安全性相关的临床试验数据。

  • Fan Xiaoyan, Zhang Xiaodan, Cui Zhao, Zhang Yimiao, Wang Fang, Wang Xin, Cheng Xuyang, Meng Liqiang, Liu Gang, Wang Suxia, Zhao Minghui
    Abstract (506) PDF (618) RichHTML (24)

    Objective To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics, treatment responses and kidney outcomes of patients with atypical membranous nephropathy (MN), and to provide information for the clinical practice. Methods The clinical data of patients with atypical MN and synchronous primary MN who were diagnosed, treated and followed up in Peking University First Hospital from January 2008 to June 2020 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. Clinicopathological features, treatment responses and kidney prognosis were compared between the two groups. The expression of phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) in kidney tissues was detected by immunofluorescence. Serum anti-PLA2R antibody was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Clinicopathological indexes were compared between PLA2R-related MN group and non-PLA2R-related MN group. Kaplan-Meier (Log-rank test) survival curve and multivariate Cox regression analysis methods were used to analyze the influencing factors of kidney prognosis in patients with atypical MN. The primary endpoint of renal adverse outcome was renal insufficiency, defined as end-stage renal disease or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) decline>30% baseline and<60 ml·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1. Results A total of 65 atypical MN patients were enrolled in this study. Compared with primary MN (n=324), patients with atypical MN had younger age (Z=-4.229, P<0.001), higher proportion of hematuria ( χ2=5.555, P=0.018), higher level of urinary protein (Z=2.228, P=0.026) and lower level of eGFR (t=-5.108, P<0.001); the proportion of IgG4 deposition in kidneys was lower ( χ2=8.081, P=0.004), and the proportions of IgA ( χ2=16.969, P<0.001) and IgM ( χ2=9.281, P=0.002) deposition were higher. There was no significant difference on gender, serum albumin, positive proportion of anti-PLA2R antibody, anti-PLA2R antibody level and kidney C3/C1q deposition between the two groups (all P>0.05). The proportions of atypical MN patients receiving renin-angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitors (49.3% vs 57.1%), calcineurin inhibitors (27.7% vs 19.1%) and cyclophosphamide (21.5% vs 23.8%) were comparable to those of primary MN patients (all P>0.05). The rates of clinical remission (80.0% vs 77.2%), partial remission (44.6% vs 44.1%), complete remission (35.4% vs 33.1%), spontaneous remission (36.9% vs 42.6%), response to cyclophosphamide (85.7% vs 81.8%), response to calcineurin inhibitor (88.9% vs 79.0%), and relapse (30.8% vs 26.8%) in atypical MN patients were comparable to those in primary MN patients (all P>0.05). During the follow-up 30.0(21.5, 61.5) months, 15 atypical MN patients (23.1%) had eGFR reduction>30%, among whom 7 patients (10.8%) had eGFR reduction>50% and 3 patients (4.6%) had end-stage kidney disease. There was no significant difference on poor kidney prognosis between the two groups (all P>0.05). Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed that patients with age>39 years old ( χ2=10.092, P=0.001), eGFR≤100 ml·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1( χ2=5.491, P=0.019), tubular interstitial lesion ( χ2=6.999, P=0.008) and no nephropathy remission ( χ2=22.952, P<0.001) had earlier poor renal prognosis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that no nephropathy remission (HR=12.604, 95%CI 2.691-59.037, P=0.001) was an independent influencing factor for poor renal prognosis in atypical MN patients. Conclusion No significant difference is found between atypical MN and primary MN on treatment responses and kidney prognosis, which implies that clinical practice of atypical MN can be performed by referring to the guidelines and experience of primary MN.

  • Pan Wei, Wang Menglong, Xu Yao, Zhang Jishou, Zhao Mengmeng, Wan Jun
    Abstract (496) PDF (185) RichHTML (578)

    Objective To explore the changes of disease burden and risk factors of chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in China from 1990 to 2019, and to provide reference data for the prevention and control of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Methods The Chinese DKD data were obtained from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) database. The morbidity, prevalence, mortality, years lived with disability (YLD), years of life lost (YLL), and disability-adjusted life year (DALY) were used to compare the disease burden of CKD due to type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus from 1990 to 2019. In addition, the risk factors of DKD were analyzed. Results The numbers of CKD patients due to type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in China were 574 (95% UI 495-665) and 31 076 (95% UI 28 152-33 909) thousand, and the numbers of new cases were 9 (95% UI 8-11) and 434 (95% UI 390-481) thousand in 2019, respectively. The numbers of death were 13 (95% UI 8-18) and 63 (95% UI 50-77) thousand, respectively. The age groups with the largest number of patients and new cases of CKD due to type 1 diabetes mellitus were 30-34 years old and <5 years old, respectively. The age group with the largest number of patients and new cases of CKD due to type 2 diabetes mellitus were 50-54 years old and 70-74 years old, respectively. From 1990 to 2019, the age-standardized prevalence rate of DKD patients in China was relatively stable, but the age-standardized incidence rate and YLD rate showed an upward trend, while the age-standardized mortality rate, YLL rate, and DALY rate showed a downward trend. The main risk factors associated with DKD death were high fasting plasma glucose, kidney dysfunction, high systolic blood pressure, high body mass index, high sodium diet, and lead exposure. The proportions of DKD death caused by high systolic blood pressure and high body mass index in the Chinese population were still increasing. Conclusions From 1990 to 2019, the age-standardized incidence and YLD rate of DKD in China shows an upward trend, while the age-standardized prevalence rate is relatively stable, and the age-standardized mortality rate, YLL rate, and DALY rate show a decreasing trend. High fasting glucose, renal failure, high systolic blood pressure, high body mass index, high sodium diet, and lead exposure are risk factors associated with death in DKD patients. With the progress of aging, the disease burden of DKD in China will continuously increase. Future work should be focused on population-specific interventions, taking into consideration the risk factors identified within the study.

  • Shi Wen, Zhang Xiaoliang
    Abstract (483) PDF (365) RichHTML (33)

    钙化防御(calciphylaxis),又名钙性尿毒症性小动脉病(calcific uremic arteriolopathy,CUA),是好发于终末期肾脏病(end-stage kidney disease,ESKD)患者的系统性血管钙化综合征,该病罕见且预后恶劣。近年来钙化防御研究在早期诊断与药物治疗方面有显著进展,其中非创伤性影像学新技术的应用、硫代硫酸钠(sodium thiosulfate,STS)使用方案的改良以及新型血管钙化抑制剂SNF472疗效与安全性的初步研究结果最为引人注目。本文就近年来上述相关研究进行综述,为进一步研究和临床实践提供参考。

  • Wenqing Zhuo, Li Wang
    Abstract (466) PDF (307) RichHTML (291)
  • Yu Che, Zhou Yanman, Li Zhuo, Sun Jing, Wang Rong
    Abstract (451) PDF (440) RichHTML (48)

    Objective To analyze the clinical features, efficacy and adverse reactions of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in patients with Fabry disease (FD). Methods The clinical data of FD patients in Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University from June 2020 to September 2021 were collected and the clinical manifestations, laboratory examinations, gene mutations, and efficacy and adverse reactions of ERT were retrospectively analyzed. Results Sixteen patients with FD were enrolled in this study, including 12 typical cases and 4 late-onset cases, with varied clinical manifestations. Compared with late-onset patients, typical patients had younger age of onset (P=0.001), lower activity of plasma alpha-galactosidase A (P=0.016) and higher globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-GL-3, P=0.030). The typical patients [(13.50±10.08) years] and late-onset patients [(10.75±7.27) years] both had long delayed time of diagnosis. In 7 patients who underwent regular 6 ERT, lyso-GL-3 was significantly lower than before (P=0.018); after 6 treatments, the pain of 5 patients was relieved than before. Three patients with irregular ERT had aggravated symptoms, and 1 case had stroke recurrence during regular treatment. No serious adverse reaction occurred with the use of agalsidase β and α. Conclusions ERT can effectively reduce the level of plasma lyso-GL-3 in patients with FD and relieve symptoms, and has good safety. But the efficacy of ERT is dose-dependent, and clinical benefits require long-term observation and follow-up. Patients treated with ERT should have good compliance and can receive long-term regular treatment.

  • Ren Jingjing, Huang Bo, Wang Xutong, Xie Minhua, Zhu Yuze, Guo Haonan, Wang Shulei, Wang Peiheng, Liu Yiming, Liu Yingchun, Zhang Junjun
    Abstract (451) PDF (465) RichHTML (24)

    Objective To study the clinicopathological characteristics, treatment and prognosis in lupus nephritis (LN) patients with renal thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), so as to provide more theoretical basis for clinicians to recognize and treat this disease. Methods The clinical data of LN patients who underwent renal biopsy in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 1, 2012 to May 31, 2019 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. According to renal clinicopathological examination, the patients were divided into renal TMA group and non-renal TMA group. The clinical data, laboratory examination, renal pathological examination, therapeutic measures and prognostic between the two groups were compared. Follow-up end points were defined as composite ends, including all-cause death, entry into end-stage renal disease, and estimated glomerular filtration rate decrease>50% of baseline. Kaplan-Meier survival curve and log-rank test were used to compare the difference of survival rate between the two groups, and multivariate Cox regression equation was used to analyze the risk factors of endpoint events in LN patients. Results A total of 1 133 patients with LN were enrolled in this study. Patients with renal TMA were more likely to have hypertension ( χ2=16.310, P<0.001), higher baseline serum creatinine (Z=-6.918, P<0.001) and 24-hour urine protein ( Z=-2.232, P=0.026), and higher renal pathology activity index (AI) score (Z=1.957, P=0.001)and chronic index (CI) score (Z=1.836, P=0.002). The proportions of hormone shock (P<0.001) and plasma exchange (P<0.001) in the renal TMA group were higher than those in non-renal TMA group. After treatment of (12±2) months, patients in the renal TMA group had a lower complete response rate ( χ2=10.455, P=0.001) and a higher non-response rate ( χ2=6.047, P=0.014) than those in non-renal TMA group, and were associated with worse prognosis (Log-rank test χ2=26.490, P<0.001). Renal TMA was an independent risk factor for poor prognosis (HR=2.347, 95%CI 1.210-4.553, P=0.012). Conclusions Compared with LN patients without renal TMA, LN patients with renal TMA are more likely to have hypertension, with higher serum creatinine, 24-hour urinary protein, AI and CI, suggesting poorer treatment response and renal prognosis. Moreover, renal TMA is an independent risk factor for poor prognosis in patients with LN.

  • Yin Yanqi, Xu Rong, Cheng Xuyang, Liu Lijun, Xu Damin, Zheng Xizi, Jin Qizhuang
    Abstract (449) PDF (350) RichHTML (16)

    Objective To explore the effectiveness and complications of non-incision removal of tunneled cuffed catheter (TCC). Methods The clinical characteristics, surgical plans and complications of patients with TCC removal in the Renal Division of Peking University First Hospital from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into non-incision removal group and traditional incision removal group. The clinical characteristics, procedure success rate, procedural duration and complications were compared between the two groups. Results A total of 349 patients were included in this study, for whom 368 catheter removal procedures were performed, including 286 procedures in the non-incision removal group, 75 procedures in the traditional incision removal group, and 7 procedures without records of surgical plans. There was no significant difference in age, sex, basic kidney diseases and catheter remaining time and location between the two groups (all P>0.05). Two procedures in the non-incision removal group and 1 procedure in the traditional incision removal group failed respectively, and there was no significant difference in the procedure success rate between the two groups (99.3% vs 98.7%, χ2=0.290, P=0.590). The procedural duration in the non-incision removal group was lower than that in the traditional incision removal group [(5.36±1.70) min vs (17.55±3.28) min, t=44.198, P<0.001]. Among the patients who needed TCC exchange, there was no significant difference in the selection of new catheter position between the two groups (P=0.330). In terms of complications, there were 2 procedures of local hematoma in the non-incision removal group and 1 procedure of infection in the traditional incision removal group, and there was no severe complication in both groups. Conclusions There was no significant difference in the procedural success rate and complications between non-incision removal group and traditional incision removal group, and non-incision procedure may be superior in reducing the procedure duration and harm less to the patients. Non-incision procedure is a safe and effective method to remove TCC.

  • Wu Huan, Yu Xiaofang
    Abstract (441) PDF (345) RichHTML (42)

    免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)作为针对细胞毒性T淋巴细胞相关抗原4(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4,CTLA-4)和程序性死亡蛋白1(programmed death 1,PD-1)或其配体PD-L1研制的系列抗体,在肿瘤治疗中取得良好效果,但其在提高生存率的同时,也带来了一系列不良反应。对于肾脏而言,最常见的不良反应是急性间质性肾炎(acute interstitial nephritis,AIN)。本文将从发病机制、临床表现、诊断和防治这几个方面对ICIs所致肾脏不良反应进行综述,以期更好地认识和处理肾脏相关免疫不良反应,改善患者的预后。

  • Xin Yangyang, Yang Xiao
    Abstract (440) PDF (201) RichHTML (406)

    As a home treatment and economical and practical treatment mode, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an effective renal replacement therapy for end-stage kidney disease. The number of PD patients in the world is increasing, and prognosis has been significantly improved. However, compared with the general population, the quality of life of PD patients is not satisfactory, and the disease burden is still very high. There is significant heterogeneity in the reports of clinical outcomes of PD in different countries and regions. The heterogeneity seriously affects the validity of clinical research evidence and the continuous improvement of the quality of PD centers. New progress has been made in the study of standardized clinical outcome of PD in recent years. The article reviews the heterogeneity of PD clinical outcome report, standardized clinical outcome classification and core outcome to standardize the report of PD clinical outcome, improve the clinical research quality and management level of PD, and finally improve the prognosis of patients.

  • Gong Xuemei, Zeng Xiaoxi, Fu Ping
    Abstract (433) PDF (252) RichHTML (392)

    Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a primary cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease, as well as one of the most common microvascular consequences of diabetes mellitus. Obesity, as a metabolic disease, has a substantial impact on the onset and progression of DKD. Epidemiological studies have revealed obesity is a risk factor of DKD and end-stage renal disease, which can promote the occurrence and progression of DKD through various mechanisms, including alterations in hemodynamics, metabolic regulation, and chronic inflammation. Clinical researches also have demonstrated the importance of various weight loss interventions in the prevention and management of DKD. Therefore, gaining a deeper understanding of the correlation between obesity and DKD will contribute to improving the prognosis and quality of life of individuals with diabetes mellitus. The paper reviews the relationship between obesity and DKD on the epidemiological characteristics of obesity and DKD, the potential mechanism of obesity affecting DKD and the influence of obesity intervention on DKD.

  • Zhang Yingying, Liu Yiguo, Zhao Dan, Shi Zhenyu, Yu Chen
    Abstract (430) PDF (315) RichHTML (14)

    Objective To explore the method of constructing an early mortality risk prediction model for patients with sepsis-induced cardiorenal syndrome by machine learning algorithm, so as to provide a basis for early clinical identification of high-risk patients and accurate treatment. Methods Patients with sepsis-induced cardiorenal syndrome from January 1, 2015 to May 31, 2019 in Tongji Hospital, Tongji University were enrolled. Basic characteristics, laboratory indexes, hospitality treatment and other relevant baseline data were collected. Thirty-day mortality was defined as the primary end-point event after the enrolled patients were diagnosed. Python software was applied to establish different machine learning models, and the area under the receiver -operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used to evaluate the predictive value of models. Disease-related risk factors were selected according to the most optimal model. Importantly, visualized decision tree and semi-naive Bayesian (sNB) models were established to further explore the interrelationship between these risk factors. Results A total of 340 patients were included, of whom 114 patients (33.5%) died within 30 days after diagnosis. The AUC of support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and light gradient boosting machine (LGBM) prediction models were 0.652, 0.868, 0.870, 0.754, and 0.852, respectively. The AUC of GBDT model had the most efficiency to predict end-point events, and the prediction AUC value was better. According to the feature ranking of GBDT model, the relevant influencing factors were selected, including total sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score, neural SOFA score, vasoactive drug application, cardiac troponin I (cTNI), age, myoglobin, circulation system SOFA score, chronic kidney disease, heart rate and baseline serum creatinine. Visualized decision tree model had 4 layers, 15 nodes and 8 terminal nodes as evidenced by total SOFA score, myoglobin, baseline serum creatinine and age. The total SOFA score, change rate of myoglobin, serum creatinine and age were included into the visualized decision model. The AUC value of the model for predicting end-point event was 0.690. sNB model revealed complex correlation between the risk factors, in which neural SOFA score was related to total SOFA score, vasoactive drug application was related to total SOFA score, and cTNI was related to baseline serum creatinine. Conclusions A risk prediction model for patients with sepsis-induced cardiorenal syndrome is established and the model showes that high SOFA score remains the primary risk factor for patients with sepsis-induced cardiorenal syndrome based machine learning. Visualized decision tree and sNB models help clinicians to further identify the dependence and logic relationship among these risk factors clearly and provide a novel method to predict mortality risk for patients with sepsis-induced cardiorenal syndrome.

  • Tang Xiaojing, Mei Changlin
    Abstract (428) PDF (323) RichHTML (496)

    Chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus (CKD-aP), one of the most common and intolerable complications in hemodialysis patients, not only seriously affects patients' quality of life and physical and mental health, but also increases the risk of long-term mortality. The pathogenesis of CKD-aP remains unclear, and immune-inflammatory dysregulation, imbalance of endogenous opioid system, abnormal accumulation of metabolites, xerosis, abnormal histamine level as well as hyperparathyroidism, have all been shown to be associated with pruritus. There is a lack of satisfactory and effective treatment strategies for CKD-aP, which mainly include pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological treatment and dialysis modality modification. This article mainly reviews recent advances in the pathogenesis and pharmacological treatment of pruritus among hemodialysis patients.

  • Xu Xieguanxuan, Cai Guangyan
    Abstract (421) PDF (169) RichHTML (519)

    The risk factors of acute kidney injury caused by strenuous exercise include dehydration of the body, elevated body temperature, and intake of large amounts of sugary drinks after exercise, etc. The possible mechanism of the injury may be the inflammatory reaction of the body or the kidney itself, and the accumulation of various metabolites causing damage to the structure and function of the kidney under the induction of various risk factors. Repeated exposure to those risk factors not only increase the risk of acute kidney disease, but also may lead to chronic kidney disease. The paper reviews the definition, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, and prevention measures of exercise-related kidney injury, to provide guidance for the formulation of appropriate exercise programs.

  • Wang Yu, Mao Jianping, Wang Mengjing, Liang Jianqing, Chen Jing
    Abstract (416) PDF (94) RichHTML (27)

    Objective To establish an in vitro culture system of small intestinal organoid in normal mice and perform functional identification, and to provide an in vitro research tool for material transport in the intestine under chronic kidney disease. Methods The small intestinal crypts of C57BL/6J mice were isolated, extracted and cultured in an in vitro three dimension culture system. The formation of small intestinal organoid was observed with inverted microscope. The tissue structure of the small intestinal organoid was observed by hematoxylin and eosin staining. The cellular composition of the small intestinal organoid was identified by immunofluorescence. The expression of substance absorption-related transporters in the small intestinal organoid was detected by real time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Results The small intestinal crypts were successfully extracted. The organoids of small intestine and different intestinal segments were successfully constructed. The cultured organoids had vigorous proliferation ability and maintained proliferation ability after passing through generations. Immunofluorescence results showed that the small intestinal organoids expressed mucin2, chromogranin A, oflm4 and lysozyme, which were different types of intestinal cell biomarkers. The PCR results showed that small intestinal organoids expressed calcium, phosphate and sodium absorption-related transporters, and the mRNA expression levels of major transporters for sodium and phosphate absorption in different intestinal segments-like organs were consistent with those in vivo, which was consistent with the characteristics of small intestinal segmental absorption. Conclusions The successful construction of small intestine and different intestinal segments organoids, and the first observation of the expression of substance absorption-related transporters in such organoid, provide a stable and convenient in vitro research tool for the development of intestinal substance transport in chronic kidney disease.

  • Shen Daoqi, Chen Hua, Jin Shi, Li Jie, Pan Kunming, Geng Xuemei, Jiang Xiaotian, Li Fang, Ding Xiaoqiang, Liu Hong, Xu Xialian
    Abstract (415) PDF (217) RichHTML (26)

    该病例为一例64岁男性患者,因上呼吸道感染口服大量感冒药酚麻美敏(对乙酰氨基酚为主要成分)后发生急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)而就诊。肾穿刺活检提示急性间质性炎症伴出血。给予过量糖皮质激素治疗,患者获得良好疗效。对乙酰氨基酚不是非甾体抗炎药,在肾脏被细胞色素P450酶代谢产生有毒活性代谢产物N-乙酰对苯醌亚胺,在谷胱甘肽耗竭后与细胞蛋白结合,诱发氧化应激反应,常导致急性肾小管坏死,很少引起严重的急性间质性肾炎(acute interstitial nephritis,AIN)。

  • Liu Jianqiang, Peng Hui
    Abstract (413) PDF (294) RichHTML (293)

    Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at high risk for suffering sarcopenia, but there is no unified criteria for diagnosing sarcopenia in CKD patients. It is well known that skeletal muscle mass and function are the key parameters to define sarcopenia based on the consensus published internationally. Recently, the need for the accuracy and applicability of assessment tools has facilitated the development of high-resolution imaging measurement and ultrasound evaluation. Sarcopenia in CKD is underrecognized in China resulting in clinical missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis prevalently. This article reviews the research progress of epidemiology, evaluation, prevention and treatment of sarcopenia in CKD patients.

  • Li Wen, Jia Linpei, Dong Xingtong, Fu Wenjing, Lin Na, Zhang Aihua
    Abstract (412) PDF (354) RichHTML (12)

    Objective To explore the incidence, influencing factors and prognostic value of cardiac valve calcification (CVC) in chronic kidney disease (CKD) non-dialysis patients. Methods The non-dialysis patients with CKD stage 1-5 who were hospitalized and underwent echocardiography in the Department of Nephrology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 were retrospectively admitted. The patients were divided into CVC group and non-CVC group, and the clinical data were compared between the two groups. The deadline for follow-up was November 1, 2021, and the follow-up end point event was all-cause mortality. Logistic regression model was used to analyze the risk factors of CVC in patients with CKD, and Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to analyze the risk factors of all-cause mortality in patients with CKD. Results A total of 563 patients with CKD were enrolled in the study, with age of (59.49±13.97) years old, and 352 males (62.52%). There were 325 patients (57.73%) with CKD stage 1-3 and 238 patients (42.27%) with CKD stage 4-5. The incidence of CVC in CKD stage 1-5 patients was 32.32%(182/563). Aortic valve calcification occurred in 30.73%(173/563), mitral valve calcification occurred in 9.77% (55/563), double valve (mitral and aortic valve) calcification occurred in 8.35% (47/563), and tricuspid valve calcification occurred in 0.18%(1/563). Age (t=12.223, P<0.001) and the proportions of CKD stage 4-5 ( χ2=10.854, P=0.001), hypertension ( χ2=7.811, P=0.005), diabetes ( χ2=8.424, P=0.004), hyperlipidemia ( χ2=9.331, P=0.002), and taking statins ( χ2=4.868, P=0.027) in CVC group were significantly higher than those in non-CVC group. Total cholesterol (t=2.243, P=0.025), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (t=2.025, P=0.043), platelet count (t=2.230, P=0.026) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (t=8.630, P<0.001) in CVC group were lower than those in the non-CVC group. Logistic regression analysis results showed that age≥60 years old (≥60 years old/<60 years old, OR=7.412, 95%CI 4.514-12.170, P<0.001), CKD stage 4-5 (stage 4-5/stage 1-3, OR=2.791,95%CI 1.730-4.505,P<0.001) and hyperlipidemia (OR=5.241, 95%CI 3.283-8.367, P<0.001) were the independent influencing factors of CVC in patients with CKD. Five hundred and sixty-three patients were followed up for an average of 26 months, including 68 cases (12.08%) of death, 436 cases (77.44%) of survival and 59 cases (10.48%) of loss to follow-up. Multivariate Cox regression analysis results showed that age≥60 years old (≥60 years old/<60 years old, HR=2.157, 95%CI 1.127-4.127, P=0.020), serum albumin<30 g/L (<30 g/L/≥30 g/L, HR=1.923, 95%CI 1.037-3.568, P=0.038) and double valve calcification (double valve calcification/no valve calcification, HR=2.516, 95%CI 1.279-4.950, P=0.008) were the independent influencing factors of all-cause death in patients with CKD. Conclusions CVC accounts for 32.32% in non-dialysis patients with CKD stage 1-5. Older age, worse renal function and hyperlipidemia are the independent risk factors of CVC in CKD patients. Older age, hypoproteinemia and double valve calcification are the independent risk factors of all-cause death in patients with CKD.